Davide Cieri

Davide Cieri

Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics

Dr. Davide Cieri is a Staff Scientist at the Max-Planck-Institute for physics in Munich. He is responsible for the upgrade of the first-level muon trigger of the ATLAS experiment at CERN, which operates on Xilinx FPGAs. His mainly contributions are in the development of the reconstruction algorithm and its FPGA implementation. Davide is also passionate about open-source project, and is the author of the widely used tool Hog (HDL-on-git), to manage HDL code on git. 

Finally, he chairs the FPGA developers’ Forum (FDF), a common platform to discuss and exchange information, experiences, implementation ideas, tips, and tricks as well as challenges faced with design tools, specific FPGA technologies.

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